Class Descriptions
Obedience and Agility classes are open to the public
*Enroll in Obedience Classes*
Puppy Class
Puppy Class is for puppies from 10 weeks to 5 months of age at the start of the class session. Class is 6 weeks long, focusing primarily on socialization and problem prevention. Puppies will begin learning basic obedience skills and household manners.
Basic Obedience
This class is for dogs at least 5 months of age. Class is 6 weeks long. Dogs will learn to walk politely on leash, sit and down on command, stay, leave it, and come when called. Typical behavior problems will also be addressed. WDTC's Basic C?lass includes an evaluation on the last night of class and a certificate is awarded for passing the test.
Rally Obedience
To attend this class, handlers must be a Wichita Dog Training Club member or have prior approval from the WDTC Obedience Director. This class is for dogs 6 months of age or older. Passing basic obedience is a prerequisite. The class meets once a week for 6 weeks for 2 hours each class. The class is open to all levels from beginners through masters. In this class you will learn to lead your dog side by side at a brisk pace through a course of 10 to 20 signs with specific commands.
Learn more about Rally Obedience
AKC Canine Good Citizen Preparation
This class requires graduation from the Basic Obedience Class or certification by the lead instructor. This class is 7 weeks long; 6 weeks of instruction and the 7th for the CGC evaluation test. This class focuses on responsible pet ownership for owners and basic manners for dogs. This course will prepare teams for the CGC, CGCA, and Therapy Dog International evaluations. All dogs that pass the CGC evaluation are eligible to receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club, and for an extra fee for AKC registered dogs CGC can be added to the dog’s title record.
*Enroll in Agility Classes*
Dogs must have passed an Agility Foundations class to enroll in Agility classes
Agility is a fast-moving event similar to an obstacle course. Obstacles include jumps, teeter totter, tunnels, dog walk, weave poles and others. Agility can help you and your dog have fun and build confidence as a team. Dogs must be at least 18 weeks or older. Dogs must take and pass the Foundations for Agility class and be able to demonstrate basic commands and control or be approved by the agility director. Handlers must be at least 12 years old.
100 Level Classes
After the dog passes the Foundations for Agility Class there are three additional 100 level courses that may be taken in any order. The dog must show proficiency in performing the obstacles and sequences before moving on the next level.
Foundations for Agility 100
This class is the foundation for all other agility classes offered by the WDTC and is required. It is taught in an air conditioned and heated building. The dog and handler learn warm up and cool down exercises for the dog, the foundations for rear and front crosses, attention from the dog to the handler and additional foundation exercises. It is not possible for a handler to have more than one dog at a time in this class.
Advanced Foundations
Pre-requisites, Successful completion of WDTC Foundations.
The dog / handler will build on skills learned in the WDTC Foundations class and develop new behaviors utilizing training tools / techniques that can be practiced at home. The class will emphasize recalls, preparation for handling, and focus games. We will break down crosses (front, blind, rear) for the handler and dog utilizing work on the flat as well as with planks / wings / etc. . There will be an emphasis on location and timing of reinforcement with both toys and treats.
The dog does not need to be jumping or have closed growth plates.
Bring to class:
a toy that your dog enjoys – a toy that the dog tugs with and or chases will be needed
6 ft leash
Intro Tire/Table/Tunnel 101
This class introduces the dog to basic agility obstacles. It teaches both motivation and control in accessing the obstacles. It also introduces sequences where the dog moves from one obstacle to another.
Jumping 101
*Dogs must be at least 15 months old to take this class*
This class evaluates the dog’s jumping style and teaches the handler to recognize and teach the dog the best timing for its jumping style and to use its rear to jump. The class consists of mostly jumping and some tunnels.
Handling 101
Handling 101 will be designed for dogs that are just completing Foundations. It is preferred that the dog knows how to perform (and happily does) the tunnel. However, if your dog cannot do the tunnel, it is not a deal breaker. In the class we will teach your dog obstacle commitment. In addition, we will enhance your dog's understanding of send, recalls, front cross, and rear cross skills learned in Foundations so they can be applied to an obstacle course. This will be achieved through short 3-10 obstacle sequences. All jumps will be kept low (or even no bars) so that your dog has the chance to focus on gaining an understanding of handling cues.
200 Level Classes
After the dog has completed and shown proficiency in all three of the 100 level classes, it may continue to the 200 level classes. The 200 level classes may be taken in any order.
Handling 201
This class requires the dog to be proficient with jumps and tunnels. Each week sequences of varying difficulty will be set up for the dog and handler to run. The goal of the class is to learn how to walk a course, learn how to evaluate and perform different handling strategies and improve timing with the handler and dog.
Contacts 201
This class introduces the dog to the contact obstacles: Dog-walk; A-frame and Teeter. All contact obstacles are at a low height and do not reach full height in this class. The class teaches motivation over the obstacles and a stopped contact behavior at the bottom of the contact as two separate behaviors. It is not a suitable class for those who want to do running contacts.
Weave Poles 101
2 x 2 Method
No prior weave pole training required
Dog must be at least 14 months old – growth plates should be closed
Prerequisite – Clicker/Marker and Shaping behavior training
(Links below to both types of training)
This class will consist of a maximum of 5 handlers and their dogs. It will meet for 40 minutes twice a week. It will be based on Susan Garrett’s 2 x 2 weave pole training. We will watch Susan’s DVD and use her training techniques.
The best way to learn 2 x 2 weave poles is to practice them 3 times each day for very short periods of time. Having access to 2 x 2 weave poles and the DVD would be extremely beneficial. 2 x 2 weave poles can be purchased.* Stick in the ground poles can be made at home. WDTC club members who are key holders will have access to both the 2 x 2 poles and the DVD at the WDTC facility.
The goal of the class is that your dog is weaving 12 poles in a row by the end of the 6 weeks class.
Clicker/Marker Loading & Training:
Weave Poles 201
2 x 2 Method
Successful completion of 2 x 2 Weave Poles 101 required
This class will focus on consistency, confidence, and speed in weave poles.
This class will consist of no more than 6 handlers and their dogs. It will meet for 40 minutes twice a week. It will be based on Susan Garrett’s 2 x 2 weave pole training.
The best way to proof weave poles and weave pole entries is to work them in different locations. Having access to 2 x 2 weave poles and the training DVD would be extremely beneficial. 2 x 2 weave poles can be purchased*. Stick in the ground poles can be made at home.
300 Level Classes
300 level classes require completion of and proficiency in the lessons taught in the 200 level classes.
Contacts 301
This class is a continuation of the Contacts 201 class. It starts out with the contact obstacles at low height and usually reaches full height (depending on the specific progress of the class.) It puts together the run over the obstacle and the stop at the bottom of the contact. It introduces rear and front crosses with the obstacles and sequences including the contact obstacles. Dogs in this class should already have reached the age where growth plates are closed. That can be different for different breeds.
Handling 301
This class requires the dog to be proficient with all obstacles and have successfully completed the Handling 201 class. Each week sequences of increasing difficulty will be set up for the dog and handler to run. The goal of the class is to learn how to evaluate and perform different handling strategies of sequences and improve timing with the handler and dog.
Weave Poles 301 Proofing entries, exits and independent performance
Competition Preparation
This class is for dogs who are planning to start competition or currently competing in Novice or Open AKC Agility Jumpers or Standard classes. The handler and dog will run a course each week alternating Jumpers and Standard. The last two weeks will be Time 2 Beat and FAST (Fifteen And Send Time) courses. Participants will learn different handling strategies for the course, the dog’s line, and the handler’s line. Participants will also have a better understanding of the AKC scoring guidelines for the courses they run.
The dog needs to be proficient on contacts, jumping, sequencing and 6 weave poles.
Limited to six dog / handler teams